Sunday 17 June; a day of wind and rain, just perfect for the intrepid members of the Carrickfergus Sailing Club Retired Dancers Debating Society (CSCRDDS – please remember this as it will save typing in future) to gather for a BBQ.
With the help of a B&Q mini Pergola to keep the worst of the rain off the charcoal the BBQ was lit at 2pm. By 2.45 the Men’s Section had also gathered here to inaugurate the firing of the sausages.

Under the strict rules of the CSCRDDS only the Men’s Section are allowed within 10 metres of any BBQ once it has been lit. The fact that it was pouring with rain and the pergola was only large enough to accommodate 2 BBQs and 8 persons meant that there was no fear of any of the Ladies Section wanting to come anywhere near it anyway!

With the help of a bottle or two of wine, Roy’s professional BBQ technique, and associated banter from the rest of the crew, Josephine was summonsed to take the first instalment for approval by the ladies. This being given we continued without further ado.
The ladies had taken over the living room so having completed cooking the men adjourned to the conservatory.

From this point on my recollection of events is a little hazy but we reckon the last of the revellers left around 9pm.
All in all another successful debate and the world a better place for it!