From Belfast Killymaddy TIC is about 7 miles to the west of Dungannon on the lefthand side of th main A4. I have stopped there many times over the past few years for coffee or a snack. It has recently been revamped and includes a craft and knicknack shop and manned (or rather womanned) information desk. They have the most comprehensive collection of brochures and leaflets covering both local Tyrone attractions and the rest of Northern Ireland and the borders. They also havae a very comprehensive and free “Where to Eat” in Ireland booklet.
As far as the restaurant goes there is a good variety of dishes including the staples of burgers and fries. On this occasion I was on my back from a round trip to Sligo (again) and had an excellent bacon and mushroom omelette and chips. It was much needed as the café at which I normally get breakfast on the outward journey had had nothing prepared.
Another plus is the clean toilets, hot water and paper towels (there are hot air dryers if you are into that kind of thing)